HWF Roster: Spike


- The Basics -

Real Name: Unkown
Wrestling Persona: "The Hardcore Hoodlum" Spike
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 185 lbs
Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Age: 18
Birthdate: 12/4/82
Years Experience: 5

Alignment: Face
Gimmick: Spike remains what he was always been… a High School Dropout. He is as angry at the world that shunned him as Thrilla is, but Spike shows his anger in a different way. Instead of simply throwing his rage at every one of his opponents during promos, he draws back to save his fury for the ring.

Wrestling Style: Technical, High Flying, Submissionist

Theme Music: "Rocket Sciene" by The Pimps

- Attributes -


- Appearance & History -

Physical Appearance: Short, messy black hair, green/gold eyes, and somewhat resembles Mike Sanders. A moderately long vertical scar is on his neck, as for various smaller ones scattered about his knuckles and forearms. Being a young street thug, nothing was needed to keep himself in shape besides simply living his life, so he has a fairly ripped physique, but is not terribly large.

In-Ring Attire: Lower Body: Either Black Cargo pants with two red stripes at the hem or off-white cargo pants. He wears Teen Angst customized Adidas (Black with red “TA” where the pins stripes are supposed to be). Either a black, short-sleeved hockey jersey with a red Maple Leaf in the centre and a jagged “4” on the back, or a normal black “Dropout” T-shirt.

Casual Attire: His Teen Angst sneakers, baggy, off-white cargos or black jeans. He wears either a cut-off dark red t-shirt, or a black Teen Angst T-shirt - sometimes he wears a black Johnny Blaze sweater if it’s cold.

Life History: Spike grew up in an orphanage in downtown Toronto. Without a family and with no real goal in his life, Spike seemed doomed to live on the streets. He even tried to live on his own for a few months, but realized that he needed someone else to help him through tough situations. At the end of his two and a half months of solitary living, Spike met up with a person who had nearly the exact same experiences and hardships as he…. Chris Thrilla. The two young teens overcame many difficulties and triumphed over challenges, but only with each other’s help. In his small corner of the world, a multi-cultural ghetto in downtown Toronto, Spike continually tries to clean up his home for future generations, so they may have a better chance at life than he did. At the age of 10, his family consisted of Chris and Crystal Thrilla – tragically, Crystal Thrilla was murdered, leaving the two boys on their own to live on the streets once again, having no other family. Around this time. Spike and Chris separated, with Thrilla staying in Toronto to train at Sully’s Gym and with Spike traveling to California to train at a Ken Shamrock Lion’s Den. While in Chula Vista, California, Spike not only trained in the submission areas, he was taught the basics of Capoeira (Martial Arts/Break Dancing) by a North American vagabond, named Mike Lawless (who is currently in the XCW). After 3 years of living in California, Spike returned to Toronto and reunited with Chris Thrilla. Training in tandem for a few years, the tag team Teen Angst was born upon their first big name wrestling promotion – the Hardcore Wrestling Federation. During his younger years, Spike and Chris Thrilla went to many pool halls, bars and other places where minors should never be – many times getting into serious trouble with the older patrons. One such time, a twelve-year old Spike managed to beat a fairly cocky individual at a game of pool – enraging him so much that he attacked Spike. Fortunately for him, Chris Davison – now close friend of Spike, was there to throw the man out of the pool hall before any harm was done to the young Spike.

Acknoledgements/Awards: HWF Tag Team Champion (x2)(w/ Thrilla & Scruggs)
Previous Federations Wrestled In: Various Independent wrestling federation, but none for a very long period of time.

Specialty Match: Broken Homes Match
Weapon of Choice: Skateboard with thumbtacks/nails attached to the underside of the deck.

- Move List -

Trademark Moves:
1. Rising-Star Release Suplex
2. Abdominal Stretch Variations
3. "Hoodlum Sacrifice" Double Underhook Crucifiz Bomb into Neckbreaker
4. Standing Side Kick
5. "After School Special" Gutwrench into Kneeling Piledriver
6. "Queen's Park Riot" STO/Neckbreaker Combination
7. "Straight Outta T.O." Guillotine Choke w/ Reverse Fujiwara Armbar

Major Trademark Move:
"High Hopes" Top Rope Back-to-Back Full-Nelson/High Angle Powerbomb

Finishing Moves:
"The Honour Roll" Spinning Rack into Sitdown Spinebuster
"Higher Education" Top Rope Guillotine Legdrop with Victim's head on Weapon

Variations of Finishers:
Reverse Honour Roll. High Hopes can be changed into Hangman's submission.

Wrestler Biography
Interview Session
Handler Info
Video Game CAW's

Teen Angst
Chris Thrilla

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