HWF Roster: "Raging" Rickey Williams


Tony Bradshaw: What got you started in the wrestling industry?

Rickey Williams: My cousin Billy was in the industry, and gave me a buzz and told me to give it a go. I said what the hell and went for it.

Tony Bradshaw: If you were given the opportunity, what would you do with your life?

Rickey Williams: Own my own titty bar, and date married women. And go fishing.

Tony Bradshaw: What was your first impression of the HWF?

Rickey Williams: What a bunch of pusses.

Tony Bradshaw: Do you have any secret talents or little things that you can do?

Rickey Williams: All my secret talents are used in the sack, but those are trade secrets and not up for discussion.

Tony Bradshaw: Okay, you have the chance to wrestle ANYONE in history, it doesn't even have to be a wrestler, who would it be and most importantly why?

Rickey Williams: Roseanne, cuz that's what I call a big bitch.

Tony Bradshaw: Do you like the prospect of "Hardcore" in wrestling? Or do you think Hardcore is basically a easy way to get over and doesn't involve any real talent?

Rickey Williams: All I know is, you come at me with a chair, I'm gonna get a table and put some 5 gallon potknots on yer head...

Tony Bradshaw: Do you have any idols you'd love to meet?

Rickey Williams: Rodney Carrington, the guy is funny as hell.

Tony Bradshaw: How long have you been wrestling and training for?

Rickey Williams: 'Bout a year

Tony Bradshaw: Have you ever done anything that has changed your life, or made you reconsider what you were doing to the point of stopping it?

Rickey Williams: Once, afer a long night of drinkin', I considered quittin' after wakin' up next to a sea donkey...

Tony Bradshaw: Do you ever dwell on the past?

Rickey Williams: Hell no.

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite genre of music, and why?

Rickey Williams: I like it all guess I ain't got a favorite.

Tony Bradshaw: Who is your favorite musical artist/band, and why?

Rickey Williams: Slim Shady, hell, I dunno why.

Tony Bradshaw: What CD's in your collection are hitting your ears currently?

Rickey Williams: Marshall Mathers LP, Rodney Carrington's Morning Wood, and Roy D. Mercer's best crank calls.

Tony Bradshaw: Who is your favorite wrestler, living or dead, and why?

Rickey Williams: Lita, cuz I'd like to bang her.

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite genre of film, and why?

Rickey Williams: Action flicks .

Tony Bradshaw: Who is your favorite actress/actor, and why?

Rickey Williams: Ain't got any

Tony Bradshaw: What are your favorite types of videogames?

Rickey Williams: Sports

Tony Bradshaw: What games have you been playing recently?

Rickey Williams: Madden Football.

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite author/book?

Rickey Williams: I read huntin' mags. Got a problem with that?

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite food?

Rickey Williams: Tex-Mex.

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite color?

Rickey Williams: The color of money.

Tony Bradshaw: What hand do you whipe your ass with?

Rickey Williams: I'll be wiping my ass with your hand if ya don't stop askin' stupid questions.

Wrestler Biography
Interview Session
Handler Info
Video Game CAW's

Billy Williams
Wrecking Crew

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