Real Name: Billy Williams
Alignment: Neutral (Face in the South) Wrestling Style: Brawler/High Flyer Theme Music: "Lakini's Juice" by LIVE
Physical Appearance: Wildcat has short brown hair and blue eyes, with sideburns on the sides. He is quite muscular for his size. He has a tattoo on his left shoulder blade that says "Roughneck 4 Life". Usually has Coors Light in hand. In-Ring Attire: Wildcat wears a black cutoff shirt that says "Wrecking Crew" on the front, and "I Drink Alone" on the back. he wears black tights and black wrestling boots. He usually wears his cowboy hat to the ring before discarding it for the fight. Casual Attire: The same old cowboy hat, black cutoff shirt muchlike the one for his In-Ring attire, and either blue jeans with workboots or white warmup pants with Nike hightops. Life History: Billy Williams was born in East Texas, where the major industry is drilling for oil. Billy went to high school in East Texas, where he was wildly popular, and pretty much lived a very normal life with his family, and his best friend/cousin Rickey Williams. After high school Billy went into the family business of working on the local drilling rigs and earning some money. Being a third generation roughneck, Billy had an uncanny knack for his occupation, and was nicknamed "Wildcat" by his work crew for his toughness. Out of the many careers one can have, Roughnecking on oil rigs can be one of the hardest and most dangerous. the typical work day is 10 days straight, after which he gets 5 days off, most of which is sleep. Billy had become accustomed to his place in life when a freak accident changed his life. One day his rig struck an oil pocket, and the relief system on the drill had frozen up. Oil and miles of metal pipe went flying hundreds of feet into the air. When the mayhem was over, 3 of Billy's work crew were dead, and the entire drilling rig was in pieces. Deciding to embark on a safer career, Billy quit his job and travelled across much of East Texas and Oklahoma. For a year or so he even earned a living bullriding in local rodeos. It was in Tulsa where, after sleeping with a female producer of a small southern wrestling league, Billy got his wrestling training from the leagues local trainers. After a year of training, Billy decided to journey to the HWF to find better competition, and a better paycheck.
Specialty Match: Hell in a Cell.
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WILDCAT OPTIONS Wrestler Biography Interview Session Handler Info Video Game CAW's
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