Real Name: James Maximillian Sterling III
Alignment: FanFav Heel Wrestling Style: All-around Theme Music: "Memory Remains (S&M Version)" by Metallica
Physical Appearance: Muscular physique (similar to Lex Luger) with a slight tan and no scars or blemishes. Face superficially resembles Triple H with a smaller nose and without the scowl. His hair is shoulder-length and is a golden blond color. His eyes are a crystal-clear blue. He almost always flashes a sly, devilish smile coined the "Sterling-Silver Smile". In-Ring/Casual Attire: No shirt. Long black and gold wrestling tights (black leggings, gold around the crotch and hips, and halfway down the underside of the legs) with the words "I am the Greatest!" on the front in silver letters. Behind this, slightly faded, is an "LS" in gold. He also wears white wristbands, black elbowpads, and black wrestling boots. Each boot comes halfway up to his knees and has "Sterling" written down the right-hand side in gold lettering. Life History: Lance Sterling had it all in life: His father James M. Sterling Jr. was a successful lawyer, his mother Elizabeth was a doctor. Needless to say his family was quite wealthy. Lance, or James M. Sterling III at that point in time, wasn't overly spoiled. Sure, his parents gave him what he wanted, but he had to EARN it. In high school he was at the top of his class. Both Valedictorian and Class President. Captain of the football team, basketball team and wrestling team. Prom King. You name it, he had probably done it. He was the kid everyone envied, because it really did seem like he was absolutely perfect. With all the talent he had, it was almost inevitable that he would end up somewhere big in life, and Lance Sterling's big break came one day when he auditioned for a part in a local commercial. Lance did a beautiful job in acting (he was President of the Drama Club in high school as well), and thanks in part to the fact that the director had some close ties to some big-time producers, he was later given a minor part in a movie. This time, he played the part so well that he was able to move on to bigger and better things. To make a long story short, Lance Sterling is now a very successful movie star. He has starred in many blockbuster motion pictures, and promises to star in many more. But even with the success, the fame and fortune, something was missing. Sure, he had proven that he was probably one of the best actors in the world due to his record-setting rise to fame, but still Lance Sterling wasn't satisfied. He still had to do something to make certain that he was the pinnacle of perfection. The answer to this lay in the past, and would take him directly to the world of pro wrestling. During his school days Lance Sterling loved to wrestle. It was his favorite past time besides all the other sports he was involved in. When he wasn't cruising around, Lance Sterling would spend his time watching wrestling videos and thinking if that was the right choice for him; to become a professional wrestler. For a long time he pushed this childhood dream to the recesses of his mind, especially after attaining worldwide fame in Hollywood. But after starring in several motion pictures, he realized he needed more. Lance Sterling wasn't content with being known as one of the greatest actors of the age. He need to return to his roots and show that he was also the greatest athlete in the world today. So what if he did all his own stunts? Nobody would believe it. No, to prove it, he had to enter one of if not the most dangerous sport of them all: Wrestling. With his extensive amateur wrestling background, he was easily accepted into one of the top wrestling schools in the country. In only about a year's time his trainer thought he was ready for the big leagues. He had learned everything he needed to know, now he just had to apply it. But the only question was: where? Where would be begin his pro wrestling career? He decided on the perfect place during a scene filming in Newfoundland, Canada. During his stay he discovered a wrestling promotion called Supreme Extreme Wrestling. After a lengthy talk with the promotion's owner, Lance Sterling decided to ply his trade with SEW. Not wanting to let the world know, just yet, that he was playing a dual role as both actor and wrestler, he chose to go under the nickname of Drake Valentine, the name of a character he once portrayed in the motion picture "Day of Destiny". After a short stint in SEW, where he captured the Tag Titles with another young up-and-coming wrestler named Ice Cold, Lance Sterling left wrestling, confident that he had proven his greatness. However he later re-thought things over and decided that he wasn't finished yet. Having actually experienced the in-ring excitement, he found that he LIKED it. Thus began the search for another federation, but this time, Sterling wanted something a bit different. He wanted to live on the edge. Perform death-defying feats. There was only one conclusion: go to the extreme. Lance Sterling now joined a federation called the Extreme Wrestling Alliance. He felt the Drake Valentine nickname and look wasn't "hardcore" enough, so he dyed his hair black and called himself Carnage, again another character from a previous movie, but also with roots in his own childhood. Carnage was the all-around bad-ass. The guy who would kill you if he thought you were looking at him funny. And the gimmick was a success in the EWA. Despite his quickly winning the EWA Extreme championship, the federation soon suffered from financial problems and went out of business. Lance went back to making his movies, until one day he received a call from the former owner of the EWA, one Chaz Manson. Although they had not seen eye to eye in the past, both men were on friendly terms, and Sterling was eager to hear what Manson had to say. After the EWA closed, Manson had opened another promotion, the Hardcore Wrestling Federation. Sterling immediately agreed to sign a contract with the HWF, and this time he chose to use his stage name of Lance Sterling. After making a name for himself in the HWF, including winning the HWF World title two times, Lance Sterling mysteriously terminated his contract, citing "contractual disputes" as the reason for his leaving. The fans of the HWF thought they had seen the last of the arrogant young superstar...but now he has made his triumphant return and is intent on proving once again to the HWF why he is "the greatest".
Acknoledgements/Awards: EWA Extreme Title (as Carnage), SEW Tag Titles (as Drake Valentine), SEW Hall of Fame (as Drake Valentine), 2x HWF World Champion, HWF Tag Champion
Specialty Match: His specialty is ANY match; after all, he's the greatest.
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STERLING OPTIONS Wrestler Biography Interview Session Handler Info Video Game CAW's Official Website
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