HWF Roster: The Lost Soul


Tony Bradshaw: What got you started in the wrestling industry?

The Lost Soul: I don't remember well - probably a burning desire to fight.

Tony Bradshaw: If you were given the opportunity, what would you do with your life?

The Lost Soul: Become a mercenary - a psychologist - or a priest.

Tony Bradshaw: What was your first impression of the HWF?

The Lost Soul: It's changed for the better.

Tony Bradshaw: Do you have any secret talents or little things that you can do?

The Lost Soul: For some reason it seems like I can ressurect myself.

Tony Bradshaw: Okay, you have the chance to wrestle ANYONE in history, it doesn't even have to be a wrestler, who would it be and most importantly why?

The Lost Soul: My brother - Rayne - again just to show him that I could beat his ass into the ground.

Tony Bradshaw: Do you like the prospect of "Hardcore" in wrestling? Or do you think Hardcore is basically a easy way to get over and doesn't involve any real talent?

The Lost Soul: I think those who believe "hardcore" wrestling takes no talent - they obviously have never done it.

Tony Bradshaw: Do you have any idols you'd love to meet?

The Lost Soul: George Washington - so I could punch him in the face.

Tony Bradshaw: How long have you been wrestling and training for?

The Lost Soul: Too fucking long - and not long enough.

Tony Bradshaw: Have you ever done anything that has changed your life, or made you reconsider what you were doing to the point of stopping it?

The Lost Soul: I did die you know.

Tony Bradshaw: Do you ever dwell on the past?

The Lost Soul: I don't believe these questions.

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite genre of music, and why?

The Lost Soul: Tori Amos - it relaxes me and makes me want to love you instead of ripping out your eyes and microwaving them for dinner.

Tony Bradshaw: Who is your favorite musical artist/band, and why?

The Lost Soul: Tori Amos - above.

Tony Bradshaw: What CD's in your collection are hitting your ears currently?

The Lost Soul: Rurouni Kenshin - "Wars of the Last Wolves" - if I could only have 20 theme songs.

Tony Bradshaw: Who is your favorite wrestler, living or dead, and why?

The Lost Soul: Myself - I'm both living and dead at the same time.

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite genre of film, and why?

The Lost Soul: Anime - because it's better than any of that live action shit.

Tony Bradshaw: Who is your favorite actress/actor, and why?

The Lost Soul: Brandon/Bruce Lee - because they were the greatest fighters on the planet.

Tony Bradshaw: What are your favorite types of videogames?

The Lost Soul: RPG

Tony Bradshaw: What games have you been playing recently?

The Lost Soul: Final Fantasy IX

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite author/book?

The Lost Soul: J.D. Salinger for author - Virgina Woolf's "The Waves" as a book.

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite food?

The Lost Soul: Beef Hot Pot.

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite color?

The Lost Soul: Blue - no no - green - no - gray. Gray is a nice colour. Why do you spell colour wrong? I'll bet you spell centre wrong too.

Tony Bradshaw: What hand do you whipe your ass with?

The Lost Soul: Your face.

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