HWF Roster: Rage


- The Basics -

Real Name: Unknown
Wrestling Persona: Rage
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 275 lbs
Hometown: Parts Unknown
Age: Unknown
Birthdate: Unknown
Years Experience: Unknown

Alignment: Neutral
Gimmick: The EPITOME of Hardcore. Uncaring, unforgiving, and ruthless. He feels almost no pain, and is a damn-near unstoppable force who has no allies, and spares no one.

Wrestling Style: Brawler, Hardcore

Theme Music: "Orange Krunch" by Green Jelly

- Attributes -


- Appearance & History -

Physical Appearance: Rage is caucasian. He's fairly well built, and looks like he can take alot of punishment.... and has already. He has black hair, unkempt, hanging down to mid-ear level. Black eyes, and he's covered in scars from previous battles he's fought over the years. The one most noticable, is a large scar which goes from the center of his forehead, diagonally down across his right eye, and stops on the edge of his right cheek.

In-Ring Attire: No shirt. Wears jeans (blue or black), black boots.

Casual Attire: Random shirt that's kinda torn up w/ some weird ass wording on it, denim jeans, black shoes, fingerless gloves, head bandanna.

Life History: Absolutely nothing is known about Rage's past. No one knows just exactly who he is, or where he came from.

Acknoledgements/Awards: : Rage has no titles to speak of, but for some reason.. he has sort of a 'fetish' with seriously hurting the current Hardcore Champion.
Previous Federations Wrestled In: He's wrestled in all no-name, underground wrestling federations. This is his first commercial federation.

Specialty Match: Any and every type of gimmick match. If he can cause extreme pain, he's a pro at it.
Weapon of Choice: ANYTHING

- Move List -

Trademark Moves:
1. The Iron Claw
2. Cross Knee Back Breaker Hold
3. Inverted Facelock to Knee DDT
4. Shot to Head w/ Any Weapon
5. Eye Gouge
6. Short Arm Clothesline
7. Reverse Standing Figure Four
8. Gut Wrench Fall Foward Powerbomb
9. Inverted STO (Face 1st)
10. Two-Handed Sit Down Chokeslam
11. Brainbuster DDT Off 2nd Rope
12. Hair Grab Mat Slam
13. Release Tiger Suplex
14. Choke (Hand or Foot)
15. Guillotine Electric Chair Drop

Major Trademark Move:
"Rage Bomb" Backslide into Last Ride Crucifix Powerbomb

Finishing Moves:
""Death on Impact" Inverted Death Valley Driver

Variations of Finishers:
Off the top rope, and THROUGH anything.

Wrestler Biography
Interview Session
Handler Info
Video Game CAW's

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