HWF Roster: Michael Trey


Tony Bradshaw: What got you started in the wrestling industry?

Michael Trey: My father's career, and the enjoyment of watching him. When he disappeared, I guess I thought I might find him somewhere in the wrestling area, so I began myself. I've been wrestling ever since.

Tony Bradshaw: If you were given the opportunity, what would you do with your life?

Michael Trey: I know that I'd be in some bloodthirsty business, but who isn't?

Tony Bradshaw: What was your first impression of the HWF?

Michael Trey: My first impression was, "Here are the big leagues....". I joined, the rest is history.

Tony Bradshaw: Do you have any secret talents or little things that you can do?

Michael Trey: I can light you on fire 217 different ways...

Tony Bradshaw: Okay, you have the chance to wrestle ANYONE in history, it doesn't even have to be a wrestler, who would it be and most importantly why?

Michael Trey: 3 Guys come to mind... Johnny Drake: He was a damn good wrestler in his day and even though he's in the management right now, he's one of the few HWF legends that I haven't had the opportunity to face but know I would love to at some point. Most other past members either haven't been seen by me or have been beaten by me, but not him... Malice: Still have a score to settle, buddy... Chaz "The Only Role Model" Manson: See Drake. Hell of a wrestler, hell of a president, hell of a challenge that I'd enjoy testing.

Tony Bradshaw: Do you like the prospect of "Hardcore" in wrestling? Or do you think Hardcore is basically a easy way to get over and doesn't involve any real talent?

Michael Trey: I love Hardcore. It IS an easy way to get over but it is no less difficult than any other type of wrestling and leaves the fans satisfied. As long as we're drawing fans, we're doing our jobs...

Tony Bradshaw: Do you have any idols you'd love to meet?

Michael Trey: I had no idols.

Tony Bradshaw: How long have you been wrestling and training for?

Michael Trey: My entire life has been training, but I've only been a pro wrestler since December 1999.

Tony Bradshaw: Have you ever done anything that has changed your life, or made you reconsider what you were doing to the point of stopping it?

Michael Trey: Every day.

Tony Bradshaw: Do you ever dwell on the past?

Michael Trey: Every day.

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite genre of music, and why?

Michael Trey: All of them. Music is amazing.

Tony Bradshaw: Who is your favorite musical artist/band, and why?

Michael Trey: It changes daily and I doubt I'll ever nail down a specific group or singer.

Tony Bradshaw: What CD's in your collection are hitting your ears currently?

Michael Trey: SR-71, DMX, Red Hot Chili Peppers

Tony Bradshaw: Who is your favorite wrestler, living or dead, and why?

Michael Trey: Shawn Michaels, for he had the talent and the charisma.

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite genre of film, and why?

Michael Trey: Puhlease... All of them.

Tony Bradshaw: Who is your favorite actress/actor, and why?

Michael Trey: No clue...

Tony Bradshaw: What are your favorite types of videogames?

Michael Trey: Violent ones.

Tony Bradshaw: What games have you been playing recently?

Michael Trey: NFL and NBA 2K for Dreamcast, Wrestlemania 2000 and Perfect Dark for N64.

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite author/book?

Michael Trey: Dean Koonce - False Memory

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite food?

Michael Trey: Pepperoni Pizza, for sure.

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite color?

Michael Trey: Red...

Tony Bradshaw: What hand do you whipe your ass with?

Michael Trey: I alternate hands, man.

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