HWF Roster: Mayhem


- The Basics -

Real Name: Unknown, just goes by Mayhem
Wrestling Persona: Mayhem
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 315 lbs
Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Age: 26
Birthdate: 4/1/74
Years Experience: 5

Alignment: Neutral

Wrestling Style: Technical Brawler

Theme Music: "Dragula (REMIX)" by Rob Zombie

- Attributes -


- Appearance & History -

Physical Appearance: Mayhem rarely goes without his mask but under the mask he has brown spiked hair, gray eyes and a long scar under his left eye. Even without the mask he still has a wicked smile that makes most wonder what's up his sleeve or what's he thinking about. His muscles are very well defined and he has multiple scars on certain parts of his body, mainly arms and chest (knife and burn wounds). His face is often clean-shaven; with exception of his scars he could be a baby face. He nearly has the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger pre-Conan years. Basically he looks like a human wall.

In-Ring Attire: Mayhem, down to the ring and in a match, always wears a black leather mask that covers his whole head. The eyes are white, large and very pointed near triangular. The mouth of the mask consists of an ear-to-ear smile of long pointy metal teeth. The mask jaws, like Mankind's is disjointed allowing it to move up and down as Mayhem talk. The mask itself resembles the face of the Marvel Comic villain Venom. He wears black pants and a red or blue tank top down to the ring. Some times his shirts have silly comments on them like "Dolphin, the other white meat" Over this he also wears a black trench coat down to the ring which he takes off. His boots are black steel toes.

Casual Attire: He still wears his mask outside the ring but on occasion he takes it off. Normally Mayhem can be found wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt or tank top with his black trench. His boots are snakeskin or alligator skin work boots also with a steel toe.

Life History: Mayhem grew up on the street of Cleveland, Ohio. As a kid, Mayhem lived in an area of the city where living conditions were hell, crime was high, apartments were crumbling and gangs were a regular threat. In school Mayhem was a little hellion, being born on April Fools seeded in him a mysterious streak. He took joy in pulling pranks on others and even more enjoyed the cruel pranks. As he continued to grow into middle school, kids didn't take lightly to his pranks. He attracted the attention of local gangs, one in particular called the Dark Cobras when he pulled a prank on the gang leader's little brother. It became the Dark Cobras hobby to make Mayhem's life a living hell, they regularly beat him up, trashed his family's apartment and hurt anyone who was or tried to be friend with the boy. Mayhem had no friends, his parents were angry with him. Mayhem needed to fight back, but how? Thus at the age of 13 he decided to join the Dark Cobras rival gang, the Reapers. This gang was known for it's cruelty and they accepted Mayhem but not before they put him through a living hell of an initiation, an initiation to test his pain threshold. Mayhem was tortured for hours while the gang leader "Rogers" had fun using surgical knives and his favorite Zippo on Mayhem. After an hour, to "Rogers" amazement Mayhem stopped screaming. He continued for another hour but Mayhem had become accustomed to the pain, "Rogers" gladly accepted him. For the next year Mayhem took his revenge, both with his fists and his pranks. He pulled certain pranks on different members of the Dark Cobra, some of which resulted in serious injury. Mayhem continued his private revenge even hurting others related to the Dark Cobras, mainly the gang leaders girlfriend. Messing with her car he caused the steering wheel to pop off, the car accident left her paralyzed, Mayhem only laughed at the gang leaders pain. Mayhem was losing all his humanity. On his 14th birthday Mayhem ended his revenge when he set a bomb in the gang leaders apartment. The microwave bomb killed the man instantly. Mayhem loved it, but his quest for revenge was over he no longer needed the protection of the Reapers so he sought to leave them, they said no and beat him severely then went after his family. Mayhem returned home a bloody mess to find his Mother and Father beaten. He told then everything and for once in his life he felt remorse. He decided there was only one way he could escape and save his family. He turned himself into the police. Then for the next year he lived in another hellhole the DH. In there, both the other prisoners and the guards beat him. He lived daily with the sorrow over what he has done, for Mayhem had become overcome by remorse, his quest for vengeance had blinded him. Strangely after a year he was released, outside the door a strange man met him. This man offered him a chance at redemption, but he was told the road would be hell, Mayhem accepted. With his acceptance Mayhem underwent a training no one has ever head of. Mayhem not only learned to live with pain but to enjoy it. He was taught a method of fighting with mixed Tai Kwon Do, Boxing and Wrestling. And his face was covered with a mask to make him look like a monster, to reflect what was once his soul. Then after years of this training Mayhem was set free, back on the street of Cleveland, where he brought down the Reapers. After that he stuck around for a while as a street vigilante until his soul called for more. He needed to test his skills against other fighters. He decided to join the Bad Ass Wrestling Federation, where he fought and shocked all he faced. He became the first person to win the BAWF Championship belt. He mastered Hardcore fighting, even creating his own match called Total Mayhem, which includes a steel cage inside of a hell in the cell with weapons strapped all over the cage walls the first one to give up loses. He fought in some of the toughest stable wars in that Fed including the Enlightenment war and even had a war with himself when he battled his darker side called Havoc. Overcoming he turned his attention to the Hardcore belt which he has won in one of the most grueling and bloody matches in BAWF history. Now he seeks another federation here in the HWF.

Acknoledgements/Awards: (BAWF) Heavyweight Belt, Hardcore Belt, Tag Team Belt winner of the BAWF Slammys "Most Intimidating Wrestler" "Best Match with Chaos in the Mask Match" "Best Entrance"
Previous Federations Wrestled In: BAWF

Specialty Match: Hell in a Cell
Weapons of Choice:
Kindness - His red industrual chainsaw
Love - His silver double bladed chainsaw

- Move List -

Trademark Moves:
1. Backbreaker Drop
2. Press Slam
3. Hanging Vertical Suplex
4. Double Underhook Suplex
5. A Hanging Brainbuster
6. "Freddy Rake" Deep Hard Back Rake
7. Spinning Clothesline
8. "The Career Ender" A Piledriver off the top rope
9. "The Shitpunt" A football punt kick to a downed opponent's face
10. "Taking Out The Trash" A choke slam outside of the ring
11. "The Saw Blade" A Standing lariat clothesline

Major Trademark Move:

Finishing Moves:
"Kindness" Snap Falling DDT From Top Rope
"Penance" Standing Chickenwing and Arm Bar Submission

Variations of Finishers:
Kindness and be done through table and to the outside of the ring

Wrestler Biography
Interview Session
Handler Info
Video Game CAW's

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