HWF Roster: "Canadian Kid" Kyle Corman


- The Basics -

Real Name: Kyle Corman
Wrestling Persona: "Canadian Kid" Kyle Corman
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 178 lbs
Hometown: Niagra Falls, Canada
Age: 25
Birthdate: 7/1/75
Years Experience: 7

Alignment: Neutral
Gimmick: Kyle has become quite a cocky little guy over the past year. He takes on everyone and anyone in any type of match there is. He is all for Canada, so if you put it down, prepare to be put down by a little guy.

Wrestling Style: High Flyer, Risk Taker, Hardcore

Theme Music: "Starseed" By Our Lady Peace

- Attributes -


- Appearance & History -

Physical Appearance: Kyle, otherwise known as CK has dropped the mask, now he has the longer brown wet hair look with brown eyes.

In-Ring/Casual Attire: He wears a long black leather trench coat to the ring with black oakleys. Underneath, his wrestling attire consists of red cargo pants with white slashes down each leg. Footwear is Lugz boots.

Life History: Kyle Corman grew up in the city of Niagara Falls, Canada. He had a good life going, loved bye his parents, a regular relationship with his two brothers and did decently in school. The only downfall was his size. Being the smallest in his school career, Kyle was constantly picked on a bullied, which is said to be why he took up karate. But he became tired of the constant drills, the didn't have enough excitement, so his father took him to a wrestling school in Toronto. At the age of 14, Kyle was winning many junior championships in surrounding cities. A few years later, in a tourney out in California, he became the first Canadian born to win the North American Challenge, thus picking up his name the Canadian Kid from the other competitors. Kyle, or CK, turned pro at the age of 22 and got his start in the EWWF. Right away he gained attention by winning the U.S. Title and soon after, he and a man known only as Hades captured the Tag Team Titles. The federation closed down and CK was out of work. He jumped around from numerous feds capturing other titles such as The Lightweight, more tag teams, and the intercontinental. The HWF once again reopened, and Kyle tried it out there becoming the HWF's first ever Lightweight Champ. A few weeks later. more problems came up and CK was gone....... until now. Kyle has grown up a bit over the last year, no longer dawning the Canadian Flag mask and specifically using the name Canadian Kid, he has emerged as an outright superstar in the business. He is faster, stronger, and now, more experienced and is still the threat he has always been.

Acknoledgements/Awards: Lightweight from EWWF, HWF, NECW, BAWF / Tag Team from EWWF , BAWF / U.S. from EWWF
Previous Federations Wrestled In: EWWF, NECW, BAWF

Specialty Match: Last Man Standing Cage Match
Weapon of Choice: Black Steel Chair

- Move List -

Trademark Moves:
1. Swinging Tornado DDT
2. Standing Side Kick
3. Swanton Bomb
4. Frankensteiner from Top Rope
5. Springboard into a Hurricanrana
6. "Last Resort" Corkscrew Moonsault
7. Facebuster

Major Trademark Move:
Tornado DDT

Finishing Moves:
"Total Annihilation" Cobra Clutch into Uranage

Variations of Finishers:
Anything out of a Uranage.

Wrestler Biography
Interview Session
Handler Info
Video Game CAW's

Gavin Coens

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