HWF Roster: J. Simon Rykopathe


Tony Bradshaw: What got you started in the wrestling industry?

J. Simon Rykopathe: I'm pretty sure everyone knows. So I don't feel that I should get into it. You know I hate to talk about that night.

Tony Bradshaw: If you were given the opportunity, what would you do with your life?

J. Simon Rykopathe: Gee, I never really thought about it. This is the only thing I'm good at. Well, I might try and get back into music. My old band was doing pretty well before I left...

Tony Bradshaw: What was your first impression of the HWF?

J. Simon Rykopathe: It had a lot of talented guys. I was looking forward to becoming a star. I mean, I was just a dumb kid then. I didn't know any better. Had I known that the time I took that balcony leap against The Stinger would change my life, I probably wouldn't have done it. Oh well, I took the road less traveled...

Tony Bradshaw: Do you have any secret talents or little things that you can do?

J. Simon Rykopathe: Let's see. Swing chairs...jump off of high places...withstand a lot of pain....wait, you've already seen those. Well, I play drums...does that count?

Tony Bradshaw: Okay, you have the chance to wrestle ANYONE in history, it doesn't even have to be a wrestler, who would it be and most importantly why?

J. Simon Rykopathe: I'd take God by the throat, bitchslap him for a good minute, and then proceed to kick him in the ass for every time he has ruined someone's life. Then when I'm done with that, I'll give him one good chair shot for ruining mine. Well, maybe two....for fun.

Tony Bradshaw: Do you like the prospect of "Hardcore" in wrestling? Or do you think Hardcore is basically a easy way to get over and doesn't involve any real talent?

J. Simon Rykopathe: Hardcore wrestling takes just as much skill as normal wrestling. You gotta know your angles and shit. Plus, it's a lot more painful to get caught in barbwire than get taken down with an armdrag. You have to be a real moron to do it though.

Tony Bradshaw: Do you have any idols you'd love to meet?

J. Simon Rykopathe: I don't resort myself to worshipping someone else. I am my own god.

Tony Bradshaw: How long have you been wrestling and training for?

J. Simon Rykopathe: About 6 years.

Tony Bradshaw: Have you ever done anything that has changed your life, or made you reconsider what you were doing to the point of stopping it?

J. Simon Rykopathe: Geez, where do I start? There was January 15th, where we all know what happened. Then basically everything I've done in the HWF seems meaningless. So I dunno. I constantly contemplate my actions. Why do I do what I do? Maybe I'll never know. I just hope that ages and ages hence, I won't look back and wonder why I did what I did.

Tony Bradshaw: Do you ever dwell on the past?

J. Simon Rykopathe: I wish I could change the past, but it's the past. That's all it should be. I've got to hope for the future, concentrate on the present.

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite genre of music, and why?

J. Simon Rykopathe: Metal. It just gets me the most adreneline, the most energetic.

Tony Bradshaw: Who is your favorite musical artist/band, and why?

J. Simon Rykopathe: Right now, I'm really looking forward to Godsmack's new album. But I like Linkin Park best.

Tony Bradshaw: What CD's in your collection are hitting your ears currently?

J. Simon Rykopathe: Static-X

Tony Bradshaw: Who is your favorite wrestler, living or dead, and why?

J. Simon Rykopathe: I am my own god.

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite genre of film, and why?

J. Simon Rykopathe: Comedy. Cause it's funny, obviously.

Tony Bradshaw: Who is your favorite actress/actor, and why?

J. Simon Rykopathe: Ed Norton. He ruled in Fight Club and American History X.

Tony Bradshaw: What are your favorite types of videogames?

J. Simon Rykopathe: Video games entertain only the simple minded...that's why I play them all the time. Anything but roleplaying games mainly....Final Fantasy games piss me off.

Tony Bradshaw: What games have you been playing recently?

J. Simon Rykopathe: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater II

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite author/book?

J. Simon Rykopathe: Chuck Palahniuk

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite food?

J. Simon Rykopathe: Meat

Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite color?

J. Simon Rykopathe: Green, Black, and Orange

Tony Bradshaw: What hand do you whipe your ass with?

J. Simon Rykopathe: Good question, let me check... (5 minutes later) ...Ok, it's my left hand.

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