![]() Tony Bradshaw: What got you started in the wrestling industry? Jayson Starr: I've always loved wrestling ever since I was a kid. Me and Chris used to watch it all the time. So after I graduated from high school, I wanted nothin' more than to become a wrestler. Tony Bradshaw: If you were given the opportunity, what would you do with your life? Jayson Starr: Actually, I've always liked computers... so I guess I'd be like a computer programmer or somethin'. Tony Bradshaw: What was your first impression of the HWF? Jayson Starr: This place is awesome. I went to Holiday Hangover back in January, and that shit was sweet. After that, I knew I had to be a part of this place. Tony Bradshaw: Do you have any secret talents or little things that you can do? Jayson Starr: Nah, not really. Except maybe that I'm a beast in video games, and that I can wrap a steel chair around someone's head. Don't believe me? Watch King of Violence in that Steel City Iron Man match against Trey. Tony Bradshaw: Okay, you have the chance to wrestle ANYONE in history, it doesn't even have to be a wrestler, who would it be and most importantly why? Jayson Starr: Hmm.... I think it'd be Mick Foley. He's like the epitome of hardcore, and I'd love to see what it'd be like to put A Hardcore Legend up against The Hardcore Hero. Tony Bradshaw: Do you like the prospect of "Hardcore" in wrestling? Or do you think Hardcore is basically a easy way to get over and doesn't involve any real talent? Jayson Starr: Hardcore requires alot of skill. You need to know what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Even so much as to what extent to do it. So yes, I do like the prospect of "Hardcore" when it comes to wrestling. Tony Bradshaw: Do you have any idols you'd love to meet? Jayson Starr: Mick Foley... and probably like Terry Funk. They're basically the pioneers of hardcore wrestling, and that's what I am: Hardcore. Tony Bradshaw: How long have you been wrestling and training for? Jayson Starr: I've been training for like ten months, and have been wrestling for eight. Tony Bradshaw: Have you ever done anything that has changed your life, or made you reconsider what you were doing to the point of stopping it? Jayson Starr: Yeah, I tried to become a monster heel. That shit just ain't me. The fans are what keep me goin'. They're my motivation. Tony Bradshaw: Do you ever dwell on the past? Jayson Starr: Sometimes, but I basically live in the future.
Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite genre of music, and why? Jayson Starr: I like rap and rock music equally. But god, I HATE country music. If I ever get my hands on Garth Brooks... Tony Bradshaw: Who is your favorite musical artist/band, and why? Jayson Starr: For rap, it'd be a tie between the YG Family and Eminem, cause YG's a korean rap group and they're fuckin' awesome. Eminem cause he tells shit like how it is, doesn't hold back anything, and doesn't care about what anyone else thinks. For rock music, it'd be Metallica over all. They're my all time favorite rock band. But just cause Lars and JaymZ are bitchin' about Napster, won't stop me from usin' that shit. Hehehe... Tony Bradshaw: What CD's in your collection are hitting your ears currently? Jayson Starr: YG Family's "Famillenium", and Metallica's "Black Album". Tony Bradshaw: Who is your favorite wrestler, living or dead, and why? Jayson Starr: Shawn Michaels. His expertise in the ring and all-around charisma is just amazing. Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite genre of film, and why? Jayson Starr: It'd be a tie between Comedy and Action. I just like to laugh and see loads of chase and fight scenes, too. Tony Bradshaw: Who is your favorite actress/actor, and why? Jayson Starr: Hmm... probably Chris Tucker and Jennifer Lopez. Chris is funny as hell, and Jennifer's the prettiest woman on the face of the damn planet. Not to mention she's one hell of an actress. Tony Bradshaw: What are your favorite types of videogames? Jayson Starr: Fighting, Roleplaying, and Strategy. Tony Bradshaw: What games have you been playing recently? Jayson Starr: Marvel VS Capcom 2, Age of Empires II, The Rainbow Six series, Wrestlemania 2000, and Chrono Cross. Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite author/book? Jayson Starr: Stephen King. The Langoliers. Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite food? Jayson Starr: B-L-T Tony Bradshaw: What is your favorite color? Jayson Starr: I don't really have a favorite SINGLE color, but my favorite color combination would be black and red. Tony Bradshaw: What hand do you whipe your ass with? Jayson Starr: What the FUCK?!
JAYSON STARR OPTIONS Wrestler Biography Interview Session Handler Info Video Game CAW's
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