HWF Roster: Chris "Intensity" Styles


Name: Cody Loewen
Age: 15
Birthday: 11/21/84

Hometown: Midway, British Columbia, Canada
Interests: HOCKEY, baseball, basketball, soccer, golf, and rugby. Music, online-multiplayer games, hanging out with friends, partying, etc, etc, etc. Nothing special.
Favorites: Jericho, WWF, Fettichini Alfredo, Hockey for sports both watching and playing, Rap music, SNL and Late Night with Conan O'Brian, NHL2001 & Team Fortress, umm...Titan 750 5degree loft hockey sticks, can't think of anything else.
Dislikes: ECW, Hunting shows and channels (take up valuable channel space), country music, Stone Cold Steve Austin, stir fry, peppers, cocky "little" kids who mnouth of older people cause they think they can't do anything, and ahh...Zakin!?
Length Of E-fedding Career: 4 years
Previous Feds: FFW, WFW, EFW, AFA
Previous Characters: Kamikazi Kid, Caribbean Kid, Hangover Hank, "Sensational" Shawn, Cappadonna, Bleacher Bums, and Buff Barracuda

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Jack Daddy

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