Real Name: Chris Davison Alignment: Face Wrestling Style: A blend of extreme/flying he calls 'Survival'. Theme Music: "Indestructible" by the Matthew Good Band
Physical Appearance: Chris has long brown hair to his shoulders, blue eyes, and a tendency to look down, let his hair hang over his face for just a moment, and then raise his head and shake it so the camera or his opponent can see his eyes. His muscle build is impressive but not stellar, a pretty large size but still somewhat normal. He has several scars on his body, but mostly on his back and chest-- covered by clothing. In-Ring Attire: Tight crimson/navy blue/forest green/black t-shirts depending on his mood. He wears black cargo pants and custom Nike sneakers. Casual Attire: Same as in-ring, except the t-shirts vary from tight to baggy. He either wears tight shirts to showcase his physique or loose, baggy ones for everyday wear. Also known to wear a backward red NY hat and sunglasses. Life History: Chris was the average "abused child" that's commonplace nowadays. He stood up for his dad's wives when he attempted to beat them and suffered several bad injuries. After that for so long, he broke into wrestling as an indy show came to town and he followed it, learning the moves and such with best friend Jake Greenlaw. The two formed an almost-legendary team in the IWL. After surviving the IWEF, ICWA, and ICW with pretty high success, he took a break from wrestling. Now, he's re-entering the wrestling world and is actively seeking a place to showcase his talent. Character traits include loyalty and honor, two things he believes in.
Acknoledgements/Awards: None
Specialty Match: Battle Royale
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DAVISON OPTIONS Wrestler Biography Interview Session Handler Info Video Game CAW's
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